Most educational content is boring. I’m here to change that.

The way we learn has completely changed.


What if you could create content that’s as engaging as other media?

  • bingeable like your favorite tv shows

  • engaging like reality and game shows

  • addicting like social media scrolling

It’s never been easier to turn information into bite-sized videos for maximum engagement. And the good news? You don’t have to be a video pro to do it.

 Would you be entertained by the message you’ve been putting out there?

Are you educating your team?

Is your message entertaining?

Does it inspire action or change?


  • A short form video is a video that is typically 30 seconds to a few minutes long and is designed to capture the viewer's attention quickly. Short form videos are often used for social media platforms like TikTok, Instagram, and X (formerly Twitter) because of their shorter length and ability to be easily shared. Anyone can create a short form video without having any previous video making experience.

    In contrast, regular videos can range from a few minutes to several hours in length and are typically used for longer-form content like movies, TV shows, and documentaries. Regular videos often have a more structured narrative and are designed to engage the viewer over a longer period of time. They require longer development timelines and are costly to create.

    Short form videos are becoming increasingly popular as more people consume content on their mobile devices and have shorter attention spans. They are also a great way for creators to showcase their creativity and personality in a concise and engaging format that can entertain, educate, and motivate their audience.

  • Creating short form videos is essential in today's world where attention spans are shrinking and people have less time to consume content. Short videos are easier to consume and share, making them more likely to be watched all the way through, increasing the chances of the viewer retaining the message being conveyed.

    Short form videos are perfect for quick, engaging content that can be consumed on the go. By creating short form videos, you can also experiment with different formats and styles, which can help you find the best way to communicate your message in a way that resonates with your audience. Overall, short form videos are an excellent way to grab people's attention and deliver your message in a concise and engaging way.

  • That's great! You don't necessarily need to be an authority figure to create short form videos for the team. In fact, creating videos can be a great way to engage with your team and promote collaboration.

    Here are a few tips to get started:

    1. Identify your audience: Know who you're creating the videos for and what they're interested in.

    2. Choose your topic: Think about what you want to communicate and choose a topic that will resonate with your audience.

    3. Keep it short and sweet: Short form videos are great because they're easy to consume and can be shared quickly. Keep your videos under 2-3 minutes, or even under a minute if possible.

    4. Use visuals: Videos are a great opportunity to use visuals to convey your message. Use images, graphics, and animations to make your videos more engaging.

    5. Have fun with it: Creating videos can be a lot of fun, so don't be afraid to experiment and try new things. Remember, the goal is to engage your team and promote collaboration, so have fun with it!

  • While company training programs can be comprehensive, incorporating videos can help to supplement and reinforce key concepts in a way that is easy to digest and remember.

    Creating your own videos also allows you to tailor the content to your team's specific needs and preferences. It can be a fun and engaging way to learn, especially for those who may struggle with traditional training methods.

    When creating your videos, be sure to keep them concise and to the point. Focus on the most important information and break it down into easily digestible segments. Consider using visuals and real-life examples to help illustrate key concepts.

    Overall, incorporating short form videos into your team's training program can be a valuable tool for increasing engagement, retention, and overall success.

  • No, you do not have to post the short form videos to social media if you are creating them for your team. These videos can be used for internal communication and sharing of information within the team. However, if you want to showcase your work to a wider audience or use the videos for promotional purposes, then you can consider sharing them on social media platforms. It's important to understand the purpose of the videos and who the target audience is before deciding whether to post them on social media or not.

  • There are several platforms where you can post short-form videos for your work team. One option could be using a communication tool like Slack or Microsoft Teams, where you can share the video directly with your team members. Another option could be posting the video on a collaboration platform like Asana or Trello, where you can attach the video to a task or project and share it with your team. Additionally, if your team uses a company intranet or a knowledge management system, you could upload the video there for easy access by your team members. It's important to consider your company's policies and guidelines for sharing content before posting the video on any platform.

  • Making short form videos for your team can be a fun and engaging way to share information and ideas. To get started, all you need is a phone with a camera.

    You don't need to invest in a professional-grade camera or extra equipment, but you might find that filming is easier with a tripod. This keep the camera steady and hands-free.

    To edit your short form videos, there are several apps available. If you prefer to record footage with your phone's camera, and you want to add music and visuals, use Canva for editing. On the other hand, if you're seeking a program that is designed for screen recording and doesn't require any additional effects, Loom, Vidyard, or Wistia are great options to consider. These apps are built into your browser, making them a seamless and user-friendly choice.

    Another option is to use social media apps with their built-in video editors, whether you actually post there or not. Both TikTok and Instagram Reels have video editors built in, with all the bells and whistles. If you don’t want to post to social media but want to take advantage of these editors, you can always save your video you’ve created in these apps.

    Each of these apps has its own unique features and benefits, so it's worth trying out a few to see which one works best for you. With so many options available, there's no shortage of ways to create engaging and entertaining short form videos.

    Remember, the most important thing is to have fun and be creative! Short form videos are a great way to showcase your personality and connect with your team in a fun and engaging way.

  • Creating short form videos for your team can yield several positive results. First and foremost, it can help you effectively communicate important information to your team members in a concise and engaging way. By using videos, you can convey complex ideas, processes, and concepts more quickly and clearly than you might be able to through written communication alone.

    Additionally, creating short form videos can help boost team engagement and morale. By using videos to recognize team members for their hard work, showcase team accomplishments, or provide fun and motivational messages, you can help your team members feel valued and appreciated. This, in turn, can lead to increased job satisfaction and productivity.

    Finally, creating short form videos can help you build your team's brand and reputation both within your organization and beyond. By sharing your videos on company channels or even on social media, you can help promote your team and its work to a wider audience. This can help attract new team members, build partnerships, and further establish your team as a leader in its field.