Over 150 Icebreaker Questions to Use in Your Next Virtual Training

Icebreaker questions are great for the start of meetings, brain breaks during a longer team meeting, and team bonding with Team Trivia. Some could even be used in interviewing your next team member!

I've divided icebreakers up into a few categories for easy grab & go:

  • Work & Routine

  • All About You

  • What Would You Do?

  • Would You Rather?

  • That or That?

  • Favorite Things

Here are some ways to start using icebreakers in a virtual setting:

  • Ask a question in a poll as people are entering a meeting. Have a couple of volunteers explain their answer.

  • Pose the question as a process of elimination activity. Example: Type an emoji in the chat if you have visited 2 countries or more. (Keep increasing until there's one person left.) This type of activity can be framed around nearly any topic.

Remember, questions can be repeated periodically or posed in a different angle, so you'll never run out of icebreakers. Use this list as a starting point, and add more if you want to keep your own bucket of questions.

Work & Routine

  • What's your favorite part of working remotely?

  • What do you miss about working in a busy office?

  • What's the most difficult thing about working remotely?

  • Do you work from one spot or move around throughout the day?

  • What part of the day are you most energized?

  • Have you found a morning routine that works well for you?

  • What time of the day do you like to exercise?

  • Do you always eat breakfast or do you skip it?

  • What did you eat for breakfast today?

  • Are you a morning person or a night person?

  • Do you drink your coffee hot or iced?

  • How do you get exercise done on workdays?

  • Which app do you use most frequently?

  • Would you rather work from a beach cabana or a mountain cabin?

  • Where is your dream location to work from?

  • Would you rather start early or work late?

  • What is the most unique thing you have within reach of your desk?

  • Do you have any remote work productivity hacks?

  • What work from home habit is most productive for you?

  • What was the best meeting you've ever attended?

  • What was the best part of your day today?

  • What is typically your favorite part of a day off from work?

  • What's your dream job?

  • What would you do for a living if you won the lottery?

All About You

  • Have you met anyone famous?

  • What piece of advice do you give the most?

  • What TV show are you currently binge watching?

  • What's the last movie you watched?

  • What's the last book you read / audiobook you listened to?

  • Do you keep a garden at home?

  • What podcasts do you listen to regularly?

  • What is the most interesting online article you’ve read lately?

  • What is the last YouTube video you watched?

  • What was the first thing you wanted to be when you grew up?

  • What game did you play the most as a child?

  • How would you describe your sense of humor?

  • How would others describe your sense of humor?

  • Are you an introvert or extrovert?

  • What's your biggest pet peeve?

  • What social behaviors make you unique?

  • What was your first online screen name?

  • What actor/actress would play you in a movie about your life?

  • What emoji do you use most often?

  • What's the most embarrassing fashion trend you used to wear?

  • What fashion trend do you secretly wish came back?

  • What invention did you think of first?

  • What's your go-to karaoke song?

  • What fictional character do you want to hang out with?

  • What’s the weirdest food you’ve ever eaten?

  • What 5 items do you always keep in your refrigerator?

  • Where did you grow up?

  • Do you have any pets?

  • What is the first website you remember visiting?

  • What is your earliest memory of the internet?

  • How many states have you been to?

  • What’s the longest flight you’ve ever taken?

  • What’s the longest distance you’ve ever walked/run?

  • What was the first album you listened to?

  • What color was your bedroom as a teenager?

  • What was the hardest class you ever took?

  • What’s a fact about you that nobody would guess?

  • What’s the worst misspelling of your name you’ve ever seen?

  • What was the first concert you went to?

  • What was the most recent concert you went to?

  • Do you have any strange regional names for things where you're from?

  • What do you think is the greatest invention in your lifetime so far?

  • What was your childhood nickname?

  • What’s something that everyone else seems to like that you don’t?

  • What always makes you laugh?

  • What is the best piece of advice you’ve ever received?

  • Do you collect anything?

  • When was the last time you turned your phone off or left it at home?

  • What was the first thing you saved money to buy on your own?

  • What three words would your best friend use to describe you?

  • What is the scariest fear you’ve ever conquered?

  • What’s the best gift you’ve ever given to someone?

What Would You Do?

  • What fictional place would you want to visit for a day?

  • How do you spend the extra hour if there were 25 hours a day?

  • If you could live anywhere in the world for a year, where would it be?

  • If you could teleport, where would you go?

  • Which famous person would you have dinner with?

  • If you had a personal assistant, what would they do?

  • If you could become an expert in something, what would it be?

  • If you had to teach a class on one thing, what would you teach?

  • If you could become fluent in any language, what would it be?

  • If you could be on a reality TV show, which one would you choose?

  • If you could remove one thing from your routine, what would it be?

  • If you were in the Olympics, what event would you be competing in?

  • If you could have any superpower, what would it be?

  • If you could only eat one food for the rest of your life, what would it be?

  • You can have an unlimited supply of one item, what would it be?

  • If you had a paid year off work, how would you spend it?

  • If you could eat one food for the rest of your life, what would it be?

  • If you could guest star on any television show, who would you play?

Would You Rather?

  • Would you rather live on the moon or a deserted island?

  • Would you rather travel back in time or into the future?

  • Would you rather explore a new planet or the depths of the ocean?

  • Would you rather lose all of your money or all of your photos?

  • Would you rather be able to fly or be invisible?

  • Would you rather live in year-round summer or year-round winter?

  • Would you rather lose your phone or your computer?

  • Would you rather live without A/C or social media?

  • Would you rather be the funniest or smartest person in the room?

  • Would you rather win $1 million now or $10 million over 30 years?

  • Would you rather have a small dinner party with your 5 closest friends or a giant party with everyone you know?

That or That?

  • Coffee or tea?

  • Dogs or cats?

  • Early bird or night owl?

  • Salty or sweet?

  • Yoga or running?

  • Reading or listening to music?

  • Weightlifting or cardio?

  • Spring or Fall?

  • Pancakes or waffles?

  • Rain or snow?

  • Plane ride or roadtrip?

  • Beaches or mountains?

  • Hamburgers or hot dogs?

  • Friends or Seinfeld?

  • Backstreet Boys or *NSYNC?

  • Steve Urkel or Kimmy Gibler?

  • Cook a meal or clean up after a meal?

  • Comedy or drama?

  • Hot weather or cold weather?

  • Bacon or avocado?

  • Friends or Seinfeld?

Favorite Things

  • Who is your favorite actor or actress?

  • Who is your favorite comedian?

  • What's your favorite binge-worthy TV show?

  • What's your favorite TV network?

  • What's your favorite movie?

  • What's your favorite app on your phone?

  • What's your favorite way to relax after work?

  • What's your favorite holiday?

  • What's your favorite vacation spot?

  • What was your favorite vacation you've ever been on?

  • What's your favorite dessert?

  • What's your favorite food to eat at home?

  • What's your favorite food to eat when out?

  • What's your favorite thing you've bought in the last year?

  • What's your favorite music genre?

  • What's your favorite song right now?

  • What’s your favorite family tradition?

  • What's your favorite book right now?

  • What's your favorite book you read when you were in school?

  • What's your favorite podcast at the moment?

  • What’s your favorite sports team?

  • What’s your favorite breakfast cereal?

  • What's your favorite junk food?

  • What's your favorite healthy food?

  • What was your favorite Halloween costume you wore?

  • What was your favorite gift you've received?

Try a few of these to kick off your next training or team meeting!

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