10 Social Media Tricks to Copy in Your Training Content

Are you struggling to create engaging training content? Why not take a cue from successful social media strategies?

Here are 10 social media tricks you can copy to make your training content more exciting and shareable:

Trick #1

Use eye-catching visuals

Just like on social media, eye-catching visuals can make your training content more appealing. Use graphics, photos, and videos to grab the attention of your audience.

Why this works: Training content is more shareable, bingeworthy, and creates a better culture of learning (because it doesn’t feel like learning)

Where to look for inspiration: Instagram Reels, TikToks, Stories

Trick #2

Keep it short and sweet

Social media users have short attention spans, so keep your training content short and to the point. Focus on the most important information and break it down into bite-sized chunks.

Why this works: You get to create content faster, without worrying about it being perfect (like long-form content tends to be)

Where to look for inspiration: Instagram Reels, TikToks, Stories, Live Video

Trick #3

Use content pillars

Ever wonder how some accounts or brands seem to always know what to post? They use content pillars. Write down 5-7 broad topics you’ll want to use for your short-form content. Then, define more detailed topics under each pillar. Design your content around these topics and post consistently across your training materials.

Why this works: Filled gaps in your learning programs, so you’re not relying solely on long-form traditional training; more concise messaging

Where to look for inspiration: Posts, Stories, Instagram Reels, Live Video - all of it!

Trick #4

Encourage user-generated content

Social media users love to create and share content. Encourage your trainees to create their own content related to the training and share it on social media (or your learning platform) using a specific hashtag or tag.

Why this works: You get better engagement with your audience!

Where to look for inspiration: Stories, Comments, Live Video

Trick #5

Use social proof

Just like social media influencers use testimonials and endorsements, use social proof to show the effectiveness of your training. Include testimonials from previous trainees or industry experts to increase credibility.

Why this works: More credible training content, so your learners aren’t wondering what’s in it for them

Where to look for inspiration: Instagram Reels, TikToks, Stories, Posts

Trick #6

Use storytelling

Storytelling is an effective way to engage your audience and make your training content more memorable. Use real-life examples and anecdotes to make the content more relatable.

Why this works: You get a deeper connection with your learners

Where to look for inspiration: Posts, Stories, Instagram Reels, Live Video - all of it!

Trick #7

Use humor

Humor can make your training content more memorable and enjoyable. Use appropriate humor to liven up your content and make it more engaging.

Why this works: More relatable learning content

Where to look for inspiration: Posts, Stories, Instagram Reels, Live Video - all of it!

Trick #8

Use interactive elements

Social media users love to interact with content. Use interactive elements such as polls, quizzes, and interactive videos to make your training content more engaging.

Why this works: Instant feedback from learners, quicker learning evaluation

Where to look for inspiration: Polls, DMs, Quizzes

Trick #9

Use influencers

Just like social media influencers can endorse products and services, industry experts can endorse your training content. Use influencers to promote your training and increase its reach.

Why this works: You get additional credibility and a ‘what’s in it for me’ for your learners

Where to look for inspiration: Instagram Reels, TikToks, Stories, Posts

Trick #10

Use social media platforms

Finally, use social media platforms to promote your training content. Share your content on social media and encourage your trainees to share it as well.

Why this works: A more exciting place to host live training

Where to look for inspiration: Posts, Stories, Instagram Reels, Live Video - all of it!

By using these social media tricks, you can create training content that is more engaging, memorable, and shareable. Happy training!

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